Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Hollween

The veil is the thinnest at this time of the for fairies and ghosts!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Original Artwork: Save The Artists

Save the artists! Buy direct from artists and craftspeople. Keep our economy going without the middleman. Do your self a favor and get something of real value. Let's break away from corporate greed by not feeding them anymore. Well, as little as possible. They don't deserve it. It's fun to shop at places like ShopHandmade, MadeItMyself and Etsy. I have lots of neat iems in my shop at Etsy. So do many other people.

You can buy jewelry, clothing- (even bras!) pottery, purses, toys, candy, jams and jellies, cakes, coffee, wood items, felted things, knitting, paintings, prints, cards, medicine bags and more! Do you really want to support factory made -assembly line stuff from China?

I am having a 20% off sale!!!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Advice If You Want It

Dear Readers,
It has been a while since I have given out any advice to the troubled and downhearted. So let me remind you that I do run an advice column here if you would like to partake. Just leave me a comment or question about your situation and I will do my darndest to help you out- especially if you don't mind a little humor.
Most Properly, Aunt Jane

Friday, October 17, 2008

Made It Myself

There is a new handmade site called Made It Myself.

There are a lot of really neat artisians over there. The site is still in beta testing stage.
I have some of my fairy images on Made It Myself. Just enter the search term- fairy- and they will come up.